A Questionable Idea Refined

                For today's Object Design class, I am to take one of my last questionable ideas from my last blog and refine it.
The one I chose for this project was the Crawly Binky. 
            The class gave students a quick break-out session to take a look over each person's remixed objects, and each person was given feedback for their object. Out of all of my objects, the Crawly Binky was given the most comments compared with all of my other objects. I enjoyed all of the objects that I made, and almost all of them were valid objects to try to refine. However, because of the attention that the binky got from all of my peers, I decided to revise this object in particular.

These are the first two objects that were put together. The most common criticism that I got from my peers is that the spider model wasn't very engaging or dynamic. This was because the spider required to be at a low poly count/lower quality for TinkerCad to be able to process. The program that was used to refine our objects is called Meshmixer, and it can process objects with a higher polycount. This new program allowed me to use a spider model to be more "threatening" than the last one. 

object link: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1036924

With that, I also edited the binky to have a larger poly count so that the object could be modelled at a higher quality. These were the results I got from Meshmixer.

I was also critiqued for the colour of the spider, this will be later better revised for the next project where we use Rhino to make high-quality textures and lighting. By then, I am fairly satisfied with my product. 

This object relates to Remix Culture. It took pre-existing objects to create something completely new. In this case, I used premade objects from Thingavers to make remixed objects. This object also has a very contrasting juxtaposition in the two objects being remixed together to create a chaotic and fearful nature of how the object's interaction with people and especially infants. It also contributes to Read/Write culture because I was able to use my creativity freely to edit the objects to my own desired state with no restrictions. 

I am looking forward to this object's further refinement, and I hope you all stay well. 


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