
Object Class Reflection

This will be the last blog post for the AUArts object design class for 2021. This blog post will go through all of the work and highlights of my work for this year! The reflection will go through in chronological order.  First Object Object Remix Object Rendering Paper Craft Trombone Collaboration 3D object This was a very fun class for me, and I have enjoyed this experience.  I hope for all of you to stay well and a great thanks to my object design teacher Brian Cyra for a wonderful class. 

3D printed Object

Coming with this long-anticipated blog post, I have worked and finished on The Last object class project. The class project required the class to make a hollow 3D printable object on Rhino. The program that was also used to print the object was called Slic3r.  There is also an additional twist to the project, the class was grouped into pairs and each student are to collaborate to make a combined hybrid object.  I was paired with Shou Liu, and you can see her side of the process on her blog page: I was a bit late when the project started, and Shou already made the six required hollow objects. Being a bit late however allowed me to make my objects in response to hers rather than blindly going in. I decided to contrast the rounded and spherical objects with sharp geometric objects.    After finishing my objects, Shou chose some of the objects and made concepts of which ones to combine. Afterwards, we combined the objects together. This was a bit more com

Paper Craft Finally

 Finally finishing the Paper modelling project, I have created a final version of my papercraft trombone.  Compared to my prototype, I made the bell of my trombone thinker based on a critique I received on my prototype. I also added additional tabs in the slide so that it is more supported. Additionally, I created holes that would allow me to tab the support rods of the trombone more firmly to each other. Finally, there are small adjustments like adding missing tabs, refining tab placements and rescaling the objects to fit better into each other. I did make a miss one tab that connects the rods of the trombones to each other, and I also ran into a new issue with the larger bell making the trombone being a bit more lop-sided. The issues are minor and they do not affect the overall quality of the object too much.  In conclusion, I enjoyed making my paper trombone, and I am satisfied with the final product of the object. I hope you all stay well. 

Paper Craft Prototype

Continuing the Rhino papercraft assignment from the Object Design class. I have finally printed off my object! I did however have to fix my object's design before printing, this was due to my original object being too small to construct something with. the new objects are mostly resized versions of my original object, however, the mouthpiece got redesigned to be closer to the size and shape of a real mouthpiece. With that, I made 2D templates, made tabs for my object, printed out the object, then finally constructed my object together to make my first prototype.  I have forgotten to make a few tabs in making the final version of the object. Surprisingly, the mouthpiece works very well, but the trombone itself doesn't work because it eventually allows too much of the air to escape. Design-wise, the mouthpiece barely fits into the Trombone, and the slide doesn't fit well into the object. I should redesign the object again for my final iteration of the object. Until next time,

Rhino Paper Modeling

 Following the Rhino surface modelling lesson, the Object Design class was taught how to make flattened surfaces of our 3D objects into printable construction sheets.  The class was taught how to make our surfaces into 2D vectors, how to make flaps so that we could use them to glue our objects together, and how to print our object on Rhino.  From the way flaps are made in Rhino, I noticed that flaps are not that strong, and can easily break if there is too much stress on those parts. I decided that I would redesign my object so that each connection point is more secure. I decided to make the object closer to the octagon shape like the mouthpiece and made the joining points of the tubes at a 45-degree angle. After this, I added the flaps to each of my objects, then printed it out for the next class One thing I didn't notice while I was modelling in Rhino was that I didn't know that the objects were smaller than what I expected. I would like to try making to trombone lager, and e

Rhino modeling surfaces

 Following up on the paper modelling project from my object design class, the class was taught the first step into the process of making paper models.  The class was instructed about how to model in Rhino 7 with surfaces to create objects what we desire. We also learned the commands ExtrudeCrv, Explode, Loft, and Planar Srf to make planer surfaces so that we can later use them as the blueprints for a laser cutter when drawing the templates for the objects on paper. Aside from technical requirements, there were many requirements for this project.  The object itself has to have significance with the modeller's life. The object that I decided to make was a simplistic Trombone   Although this is not the first instrument I played when I took the required music class in seventh grade, this was the instrument I used when my jr high band teacher offered me to play in a community band. After that, I have played a lot of songs leagues beyond the material I was given in my high school. I'

Paper Modeling Intro

 In the coming Object Design class, we are going to learn about modelling in the 3D program Rhino. Rhino is however a very advanced program, so before the class works on Rhino, we are studying about Paper Craft as a Media for Modeling I believe a decent amount of western people don't think that paper is not a common medium of modelling. Paper is extremely common in people's daily lives, but most people only use them as a utility to put imprints like sketches, ink or paint on. However paper is still on its own is overlooked for its ability to model and make art. Our design professor gave us some articles to delve into to research and explore the paper modelling medium to get us inspired for the coming projects.  Although there are many different and interesting ways in which paper has been used to model, I personally am attached to the traditional media of origami since I grew up with it.  I have done a lot of origami as a child, and I have enjoyed making basic toys and fun mode